The story told by The Blonds this season was intricate and filled with dramatic detail. Not only did they present a collection, but they brought to life a dream, a film set, and an experience for the participant. Everyone was moved by what they saw and felt the magnificence, or in this case, malevolence, of the artistry! There was romance, movement and seduction. My breath was frozen…then stolen and transported! The Blonds captured the mood of today’s vixen – a unique individual with her own twist to elegant street. Merging pearls and ripped denim, burnt lace and giant bugle beads, and a train of liquid mercury flowing from a weightless dress, this collection was haunting and spellbinding. The hypnotic majesty translated all the way to the nails! CND’s renowned artists used their own form of nail alchemy to create never-before-seen finishes and textures, from lapis lazuli to quartz crystal, dimensional python, geodes and mineral artifacts. Nails were transformed with a magnifying spine, tiger eye trickery and frames of liquid mercury and antiqued gold. They transported us to a new place of innovative experimentation and moved us to a new level of artistry. A fitting day of admiration on the day of LOVE.
xo - Jan